The Latest AI Marketing Tools to Fuel Local Business Growth

ai marketing tools

Spark creative communication with AI marketing tools

SparkAI is now available for OneLocal clients! Leverage the power of AI marketing tools to craft and automate instant, professional customer communications. Drive and convert more leads, save time, and grow your business.

Every business owner knows effective communication with customers is crucial and can make or break a relationship. When it comes to crafting compelling messages to customers, it can become time-consuming for busy business owners or their team members. 

Whether crafting promotional offers, announcements, thank-you messages, or review responses, the latest AI marketing tools like OneLocal’s SparkAI streamlines the process of crafting SMS campaigns and review management, enabling businesses to connect with their audience and generate sales more effectively. Using SparkAI, small businesses are able to enhance customer engagement, satisfaction, and overall brand perception.


AI marketing tools, SparkAI


Use AI to create effective text messages to send to your customers via LocalMessages

OneLocal users can now leverage AI marketing tools and the latest capabilities of SparkAI to swiftly generate text messages for both individual and bulk delivery via LocalMessages in the OneLocal platform. This new feature simplifies the message creation process, offering a quick and efficient solution for small business owners.

Versatility in Messaging:

Our AI marketing tools enable users to instruct SparkAI to create a variety of message types, including promotional SMS messages, product or service announcements, ‘thank you’ messages, educational content, holiday greetings, and more. The AI’s flexibility enables small business owners to adapt their communication strategies to varied business and informational needs.

How It Works:

When creating a new message, users can click the “Generate” button, opening a window to either create a Custom Prompt or use OneLocal’s Prompt Builder to provide message context to the AI. This contextual information empowers our AI marketing tools to construct effective messages tailored to the user’s specific needs. Once generated, users can choose to send the message as is, make edits, or even request regeneration for alternative suggestions. Users may also choose to reform their prompts to arrive at an appropriate and suitable message to send to their audience. 


ai marketing tools, SparkAI, LocalReviews

 Tips and Best Practices for Writing AI Prompts:

  1. Understanding Prompts:
    • A prompt is an instruction or discussion topic provided to AI upon which it will produce a response.
    • It can be a question or statement designed to spark creativity, reflection, or engagement.
  2. Writing Effective Prompts:
    • Begin by giving AI a specific writing prompt, such as “Write a promotional message about a limited time, 10% discount on service X.”
    • Provide contextual details, including industry, target audience demographics, business location, and the intended mode of communication (e.g. SMS).
  3. AI-Generated Response:
    • AI will generate a response based on the provided prompt, offering ideas and concepts.
    • Use the AI-generated response as a foundation for crafting your final message, adding a personal touch or unique spin.


The availability of AI marketing tools like SparkAI marks a significant advancement in the realm of customer communication for small businesses. By leveraging the power of AI-generated messaging, business owners can save time, enhance the quality of their communications, and maintain meaningful connections with their customers. 


Use AI-Generated Review Responses in LocalReviews

When it comes to your online presence, positive customer reviews are not just testimonials to help establish trust, but also integral to a business’s organic visibility and growth.

Equally important, however, is responding promptly and effectively to these reviews, showcasing active engagement and responsiveness. With SparkAI, you can build your online reputation quicker by saving time crafting responds to customer reviews, while also enabling control over the messages you share with reviewers on your Google Business Profile.

Streamlining Responses with SparkAI:

OneLocal users now have the ability to leverage AI marketing tools when using our review management tool LocalReviews for swift and personalized responses to Google Reviews.This new feature is designed to optimize efficiency and control, ensuring businesses can effectively manage their online reputation without compromising personalization.

How It Works:

When a new Google review is received, OneLocal users are notified via the OneLocal app and can click to access an AI-generated response tailored to the specific review. The flexibility provided enables users to choose the suggested response as is, make edits to align with their brand voice, regenerate alternative responses for a better fit, or undo to access previous editable responses. This user-centric approach ensures businesses have the final say in the messages they convey, fostering authenticity and marketing tools, SparkAI, LocalReviews

  1. AI-Generated Responses:
    • Users will find suggested responses auto-generated by AI, tailored to the nature of the review e.g. noting the name of the reviewer and perhaps the service provided.
    • These responses save time and provide users with a starting point for crafting personalized messages.
  2. Customization Options:
    • Users have the flexibility to choose the suggested response as is, edit it according to their preferences, or regenerate for alternative suggestions.
    • Users are also able to undo and access previous editable responses, ensuring complete control over the messaging process.
  3. Sending Replies:
    • Once satisfied with the response, users can click the “Send Reply” button to promptly and effectively respond to the customer’s Google review via their Google Business Profile.


Benefits of AI-Driven Responses:

Leveraging SparkAI to respond to Google Reviews through the dashboard offers a couple of advantages.
Firstly, it saves valuable time for business owners who can now efficiently manage their responses.

The AI-generated responses also serve as a helpful starting point, ensuring  businesses maintain control over the messages they convey to customers and the public via their Google Business Profile.

ai marketing tools, SparkAI

SparkAI: AI marketing tools to fuel business growth

With the latest AI marketing tools like SparkAI, small businesses gain an additional competitive edge  by enhancing the way they communicate with their customers. Whether generating instant and effective SMS campaigns or crafting professional review responses for an enhanced online reputation, SparkAI empowers businesses to drive more leads, save valuable time, and foster growth through the seamless integration of AI.

Want to learn more about how to adopt SparkAI for your business?

We’re just a call away to help you leverage the power of AI marketing tools. We’ll work with you to develop customized marketing strategies supported by AI and designed to help you achieve your unique marketing goals.

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